Little Buddhas Yoga: Starting Feb 8, 2025
GROW Family Yoga: Starting Feb 8, 2025
children of all ages welcome, children >3 free with paid adult attending class, pre-book * pre-pay to reserve spot. Located at FLoranada Park (5251 NE 14th Way, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334)
Mommy & Baby Buddhas Yoga
Mommy & Baby Buddhas Yoga Class is created for the parent/guardian of newborns to crawlers (aprox. 12 months). This Yoga practice creates a sacred space and environment for both the adult and Baby Buddhas. The class structure and environment is for the mom to carve out time for your own practice; nurturing yourselves with asana (yoga postures or poses), pranayama (breath control), dharana (concentration), and dhyana (meditation). Our Baby Buddhas feel our energy in how we are and so lets create postive patterns about teaching our children to love moving, breathing, and creating stillness within the busy world of being a parent. This is best taught through our living example of an active Yoga practice with our children involved.
Little Buddhas Yoga
Little Buddhas Yoga Class is created for the parent/guardian of walkers to toddlers (approximately 12 months- 3 years old). This Yoga practice creates a sacred space and environment for both the adult and child. Children are encouraged to follow their own ideas of movement and participate as desired while the adult practices slow, gentle, guided, mindful yoga movements of stretching and strengthening while using their conscience breath. The class structure and environment is about teaching our children to love moving, breathing, and creating stillness. This is best taught through our living example of an active Yoga practice with our children involved.
Plan to bring a mat for you & your child, come with an open mind to create the space of movemnt to stillness with your Buddhas!
Toddler Yoga
Toddler Yoga class for children ages 3 to 5 years old. Class is designed to keep them active in movement through music, singing, fun breathing techniques such as "ninja breath" and finding stillness at the end of each lesson. Yoga poses are taught sequentially in an age appropriate manner. Ultimately, learning to listen and listening to learn within themselves helps summons creativity, freshness, newness, and joy in each moment! Give your child a chance to express themselves in a Toddler Yoga
Kids Yoga
Vinyasa Style Yoga class for children ages 6 to 14 years old. Class is structured very similar to an Adult Class yet tailored age appropriately. Children are taught sequences, as well as holding traditional poses, and encouraged to engage and interact with one another for a fun Yoga Flow. Strengthening, increased flexibility, breathing techniques, guided and silent meditations are all part of a weekly practice. 4pm
Family Yoga
A Family Yoga Practice is a unique style bringing parents and children together. Family Yoga is designed for children of all ages to practice with their parents (most of our Family classes are open to kids of all ages so even bring your younger kids and see how you flow together!). Sequences are taught in a Vinyasa flow style, acro yoga is introduced in class, as well as concentrated focus on breathing while learning various breathing techniques. Mindfulness meditation is introduced for the entire family to experience awareness and the idea of staying present. Families can build strong bodies and minds together while learning discipline and concentration. Come experience a class that's one of its kind!
Its surprising but Moms & Dads can get the best yoga practice in while the kids play and move too!